Current Announcements

Hurricane Helene : Food and essential items Collection

Contact : or call 702-358-6474.

Where: 3109 Globe Rd, Morrisville, NC 27519

When: Every 3 days during Navaratri until October 13, then weekly until October 31.

Happy Navaratri! In the spirit of Swami Vivekananda and the Ramakrishna Order’s guiding principle of “Worship Jiva As Shiva,” let’s support those affected by Hurricane Helene.

The Vedanta Center of NC is collecting essential items for relief.

Where: 3109 Globe Rd, Morrisville, NC 27519

When: Every 3 days during Navaratri until October 13, then weekly until October 31.

Items Needed:

Baby Formula


Individually Packaged Snacks

Non-perishable Foods

Cleaning Supplies

Bug Spray


Trash Bags


Toothbrushes/Toothpaste Washcloths/Towels Socks (All sizes/New)

Dog and Cat Food

Disinfectant Wipes

Together, let’s make a difference! For questions or to donate,

Let’s spread love and hope this Navaratri! Yours in the Lord- Vedanta Center of NC