Join our committees to take care of our center. Please email ( if you are interested in the activities of any of our functional committees.
Program Committee
This committee arranges for general events and activities at the center including retreats with visiting monastics, vespers at the center, and scripture studies.
Food Committee
The food committee coordinates the prasad (religious offering of food) brought for retreats.
Community Service and Outreach Committee
This committee runs community service activities such as soup kitchen volunteer work. It also arranges for opportunities for people to be exposed to Vedantic ideals outside of the center.
Education Committee
This committee is responsible for organizing the Sunday school for young Vedantins.
Puja Committee
This committee is responsible for coordinating efforts for worships of deities performed at the center or in larger spaces. The committee invites the pujari (worship leader), arranges the venue for worship, and assists the pujari in the preparation of offerings, ritual vessels, flower arrangements, and any other related activities.
Facilities and Maintenance Committee
This committee keeps the ashram functioning and clean. Usually, the team meets on Saturday mornings to do karma yoga.
Communications Committee
The communications committee maintains the website, social media, and email reminders. Also, they are responsible for recording events and taking pictures for our media gallery.
Future Planning and Fundraising Committee
This committee develops proposals for expansion of the center and fundraising events.